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Sewing Made Simple:

A Beginner's Class to Sewing with Confidence.

Sewing Machine with Polka Dot Cloth and Colorful Threads

Unlock Your Creativity: Join ​Our Beginner's Sewing Course!

Get ready to start an imaginative adventure where ​you'll turn fabric into marvelous creations! Welcome to ​Sewing Made Simple: An Introductory Sewing Class for ​Beginners. This six-week program is ideal for those ​new to sewing – no previous experience required, just ​bring your excitement and creativity!

Class Details:

Duration: 6 weeks

Tuition: $400 (Regular tuition: $600)

Sunday 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Monday 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

What You’ll Learn

Person in Gray Long Sleeve Shirt Holding Black Pen

Over the course of six weeks, you'll gain a solid foundation in ​sewing, enabling you to create beautiful pieces with confidence. ​Here’s what to expect:

Week 1: Sewing Machine 101

Get acquainted with your sewing machine. Learn how to thread, ​operate, and troubleshoot it.

Week 2: Basic Stitches

Master essential stitches that form the backbone of every sewing ​project.

Week 3: Seam Finishes

Learn various seam finishes to give your projects a professional ​look.

Week 4: Sewing Patterns

Understand how to read and follow sewing patterns, a crucial skill ​for any sewist.

Weeks 5 & 6: Project Work

Apply your new skills by working on hands-on projects with step-​by-step guidance.

Course Benefits

Comprehensive Lessons

Master the basics of sewing​.

Hands-On Projects

Apply your skills with practical projects.

Personalized Guid​ance

Receive personalized guidance from ​experienced instructors.

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